Thursday 18 January 2024

Effortful and practice the Dominic System

 It has been a while, since I've updated on my travails with the Dominic system of number memorization. And of all the things I would say, when a mnemonist displays such skills they look easy, the reality is they are not. They are very difficult and an awful lot of work goes into it.  For example, the groundwork must be perfect, it cannot be half done, three quarters done or 90 percent. It must be fully done to 100 percent accuracy level. Further, it must be fast and confident. 

It has been months and months and still I struggle on reading through O'Brien's book and practising the tests. In fact, I've stopped. I've stopped at the number system, refusing to take much more in until I've got this aspect sorted. The crazy thing is I'm getting to feel it will not be long now before I'm there. It has taken a moment of practice nearly every single day to get to this point. I have in my mind the other aspects of memory systems, like using parts of the body, using the rhyming number system, and of course the fabled method of loci which poser idiots like to call the memory palace. They are one and the same.

There are still initial moments when trying to remember the character and actions with two digits takes a moment or longer or requires a full revision of that particular number. But I'm progressing. Which makes me think perhaps there are not so many mnemonists in the world. The number could be tiny, but those persons will be remarkable in their abilities. Especially, when they are constantly using them, constantly aware of them and on the ball. They will stand out. They are not superhuman, just individuals who have spent time and effort, sunk costs into their self-improvement and have come out on top. Which is something I admire, the fight to not accept being dumb and every person should be in some way doing what they  an to improve their mind.

Wednesday 13 December 2023

The Dominic System

I'm currently reading a Dominic O'Brien book, which has been sitting for years waiting to be read. But am stuck. Stuck some number of weeks, it's on a chapter about the Dominic system of remembering numbers from 00 to 99, in order then to use the method on multiple digits in task recall. The method requires an association of number to initials, to person to action.  Initials represent numbers, for example 99 is represented by the initials NN. My link is the person is Nick Nolte, who then turns into the incredible Hulk. So it is not just a pairing of initials, this is followed by an action. In another example the number 16 the 1 = A and the 6 = S, and similarly the method continues through all the numbers. S is used rather than the letter F, probably because it is "Six" and the S of the word.

The one thing the book doesn't tell you about is the effort it takes to use the Dominic memory system. I just keep forgetting the characters linked to the initials. Some initials finding the character is tenuous, effectively they are not concrete in their connection. So because the link is weak I'm spending an inordinate amount of time practising and re-practising. Having got this far and put so much effort in I've stopped at the chapter and stopped in the middle of the book. Surely it shouldn't be as difficult as this? Some associations are very easy, others just float away like a released balloon. 

My wife is having fun with the whole thing, as I carry my little black notebook around with me. Reading over the numbers while on a bus. Closing my eyes and then trying to recall them. In the morning when I wake up, breakfast is punctuated by a look at the notebook and revision. I must admit to getting a little bored. The book has things written in it, like trying to remember stuff I've long not used. The names all the people I used to work with at a previous employer. A local authority, some I know are dead now, others I have not seen for many years. Sparkling taunts me on my memory being  bad, on every little thing. Like where did I put my keys? Where's my wallet? Where's my shoes? It's like it is so easy to forget, much easier than remembering. However, I believe it is about being distracted and not giving enough thought to what I am doing. When entering the house and dropping my keys on a table rather than leaving them in my coat pocket. Not paying attention to that off the cuff action. Almost carelessly. 

The Dominic system is like any other system of mnemonics it is a structured approach to applying memory. Each memory technique is based on some simple and highly relevant facts. Such as our own imagination, which plays an incredible part in it. I'll continue with this and see if it gets any better, maybe go back to the beginning of the book and re-read the chapters I've already been through. Maybe re imprint the Method of Loci further in my mind. With more trips and places, but as I said, the one thing which has not been emphasised enough is it takes effort. The longer and harder the effort perhaps the more second nature it becomes. 

 I wish I had started this as a child rather than adult in his later years of life.